Wang Mu leisurely spoke at this time, "Liu Xiong is now the boss outside, of course, no one ordered him."

Their words are very common, and the people at the dinner table who are responsible for delivering vegetables are hard to imagine what the concept of’ head chef’ is in the outside world.
Soon all the people chatted about the past at the table and passed over the topic.
It has been sulking at the dinner table, and it seems that Ya Ya is very curious. For a’ bad fox demon’ who has been fighting and fighting since childhood, it is obvious that the demon alliance and the Aidan alliance now make her feel very chatted.
So she is very interested in the adventures of the heavens and the earth that Lu Chen talks about. There must be many strong people in the outside world, right?
If I beat up all those strong people, can I become stronger, and then I will continue to be unable to win or lose when I was a child, and finally I will step on the sunset?
Yaya’s surface is slow and delicious, and his thoughts on food have flown to the sky. Outsiders can’t see what this cold banshee king is thinking.
Even Lu Chen couldn’t think that Yaya would think so at this time, because after his reunion, he knew Yaya had really grown up as a demon race, and Yaya was a real adult, not as powerful as a demon five hundred years ago.
But after growing up, Yaya seems to have lost her former naivety in front of everyone, and ten thousand people fear the fox demon king, but who knows her heart?
Lu Chen, they ate this meal for a long time. Chef Yao Xinzhai is said to have almost fired his hand. The title of "King of Eating Big" has brought him not only excellent digestion, but also a feeling that he can’t stop eating.
Liu Chen picked up a paper towel and wiped her mouth when she heard a commotion outside. Yaya’s face was suddenly cold and she came to Tu Shan. But who dares to make trouble here?
But she knew what was going on after her demon power perception extended out. She looked at Liu Chen "looking for you"
Liu Chen certainly knows who is outside, but I didn’t expect everyone to come so fast.
When he and Wang Mu walked out of the door, they saw a group of people stopped in the distance. A group of people outside the mountain were all in the same way, and the top leaders of each family were also his former acquaintances or descendants.
The first person to see Lu Chen was very excited. He was over seventy years old and still trembling to kneel. It was a lifelong memory and sincere respect.
Before Liu Chen, he helped his registered brother "You are really dedicated. You don’t go out to travel with your wife at such a big age and still keep your job?" At the beginning of the month, riches and honour, should they also be reincarnated? "
Yang Mi is in front of us, a genius of the Yang family who was instructed by his brothers and taught by himself.
Yang Mi got up and saw Ya Ya coming not far away. She shivered and saw that she was not less studied.
Sister Yaya taught him what he did in those days, and he had a shadow over the violent iron fist.
"At the beginning of the month, he was reincarnated and just found wealth. He didn’t wake up in this life and was an idle gentleman. We couldn’t help it."
Yang Mi answered the master’s words and there was nai in his tone.
The reincarnation of the fox demon world is that you must make a wish with the demon family’s bitter tree to keep the demon body bound and connect with the later generations before you can wake up. If you have not carried out the reincarnation ceremony, you will naturally be a new person after reincarnation
It’s gone forever when Liu Chenwang thought of himself and others got along. Those people who didn’t continue their relationship with the demon race were naturally reincarnated into new people.
Of course, it is still very simple for Lu Chenxiu to get it back, but it is too much trouble for his old friends. He has no plan.
Every life is a new adventure, and there is no need for him to break the new life of his old friends.
Nowadays, people who are constantly reincarnated and can remember others are familiar with the early Oriental Moon, Wang Fugui and Yang Mi.
And reincarnation may not be 100% successful. Sometimes people just can’t remember it, or even if they do, they don’t want to renew it because they have a new love or want to be their own place in this life. Now he can see Yang Mi, a reincarnation.
The owners of his big family came here because they were influenced by ancestral teachings and worshipped him as a strange man.
"The Wangs are really declining. I wrote an article about fencing."
Wang Mu walked beside Lu Chen and looked at Wang Guzhu and said
Because of Lu Chen’s influence, the original trajectory of the world has changed greatly. Wang Ba Ye did enjoin future generations to divide their homes and become the Wang Family. However, after Lu Chen defeated five ancestors outside the circle, the Chinese family and the Wang Family merged again and became the Wang Family again.
Therefore, a reincarnation of the royal family is not worried that his name is too rustic without words.
"But … both bodhi old zu! ?”
When the master of the Wangs’ current home saw Wang Mu in his middle age, he still had some doubts. The imposing young swordsman was dressed in Wang Jiayi, and he had no impression.
But as soon as the other party’s words were sold, he was shocked to think of a man in the family who said three hundred years ago that there was a bodhi old zu who showed the younger generation of the family. At that time, there was a flow of clothes and portraits. Isn’t it the swordsman in front of him?
Wang Mu nodded his head and was called the bodhi old zu. He didn’t feel anything. After all, his real age is much older than Lu Chen’s. Many eras have passed since he went out with the mysterious snake bodhi old zu.
It is because he is born with a pure heart and does not suffer from the vicissitudes of life. When he gets along with Lu Chen, he can still find the feeling of his youth.
"Wang Jianyi didn’t fix it like this. I made it very clear 300 years ago."
Wang Mu shook his head. It seems that future generations will fail to live up to expectations and sigh, "Let’s go again after leaving me."
However, Lu Chen laughed and said, "Brother Mu’s descendants will have such a heart."
Wang Mu smell speech one leng and then smiled "I took a photo"
Then he looked at Wang Jiazhu. "Now the four seas are clear, let the children at home walk more and have a look. Only when they walk more will they have their own way."
Wang Guzhu hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed "to obey the teachings of the bodhi old zu"
It is normal for him to kowtow to his ancestors, but there are few big gifts in today’s times
Lu Chen Tu Shan Commercial Street chose a few pavilions to visit others and meet them. As he told Wang Mu, he didn’t give Yang Mi any advice.
Whether Yang Mi should go his own way or not, the world is peaceful now. To be honest, they don’t need to be strong enough to maintain law and order.
Everyone has his own ideas, and Yang Mi is not a fighting madman who pursues strength. His knife meaning is completely different from his own.
"Fan Yunfei, the demon king of the Western Regions, visited-"
"The demon emperor of Beishan came to visit Emperor Wu-"
"The Southern Demon Huang Huan visited Lan-"
Inform Tu Shan that powerful demon kings from all walks of life are all great demons that Lu Chen once dealt with.
I don’t know if it’s a coincidence that Lu Chen didn’t call himself Emperor Wu when he was in the real world, but Terran history gave himself a name. There is a general feeling that after the emperor ascended the throne, his descendants gave him the emperor’s name.
With the terran word of mouth, people in this world and the big demon started to call him Emperor Wu on important occasions.
In particular, many places in the official history department can’t write Lu Chen’s name because he has been reincarnated too many times, and his surname is different in each life. In the end, he is directly referred to as Emperor Wudi, and everyone likes this name because Lu Chen is a strong martial artist and has opened the door to a new world for many monks in this world.
Everything seems to be the result of the normal development and evolution of history, but Lu Chen is white. This should be the radiation of his influence in the process of becoming stronger.

To eat human flesh and blood is a great supplement to strangeness.

Yang xiu sighed. sometimes there is no way. people have to go out in some accidents
It should be that I accidentally met a strange bump and died when I went out at night.
This human corpse is tight and powerful, not ordinary people, but fighters.
I don’t know who it is!
However, if you look closely at the human body, there is nothing strange about clothes, but you will not take off your clothes, and you may also be killed by people. The body is quietly thrown out late and passed away pretending to be a paradox.
There’s a fierce battle. The iron pagoda has cut down two mysterious objects controlled by grazing animals in a row.
But the third one, when he cut it with the real method, suddenly it turned and ran away. Although a set of armor seemed heavier, it ran very fast.
The animal did not chase, but raised the lantern in his hand and made a terrible noise.
Then he looked around and held up lanterns to shine in all directions.
There are many strange sounds lurking around like Yang Xiu.
There’s something weird around in Zhang Yue’s hunting track.
Wind sickle, lying on the ground, ghost-faced vultures, devil dogs …
But seeing this scene is to retreat and avoid.
They are all afraid to challenge the shepherd and choose to leave.
But Yang Xiu shook his head and said, "I want to kill him!"
"What’s the matter with you? I remember how you looked like a mirror before, and how did you become like me this time? "
"I just want to kill it!"
"Then kill!"
In an instant, the unity of two people moves quietly.
It’s a mysterious animal with lights to protect it, and the surrounding ten meters are illuminated.
But Yang Xiu came to the edge of the light and quietly prepared.
Seeing that there is no weirdness and your enemy’s animal husbandry, you are happy to come to the body and open your mouth to eat.
Yang Xiu suddenly reached out and a dark curse flew out and hit the lantern.
It is said that lanterns are actually grazing animals, and an organ is as good as those vines.
Suddenly the animal gave a roar and the lantern extinguished the darkness.
He still has six weird things, all of which are crazy shouting and looking for enemies around vine control.
But Yang Xiu has come close to it and made a sword!
Zhang Yue, the sword of Aosong Shenghua, did not estimate that this sword could not kill him.
Instead, it made "Nine Clouds and Nine Deep Excalibur"
It’s a light sword!
It’ s really bad to read the sword!
The immortal changes, the poor is wonderful, and the great Luo Jinxian is bloody.
In an instant, the whole world seems to be at rest!
No matter how light it is, there is no sound, nothing, nothing.

Baijiangcheng investigation bureau

Compared with the dignified earlier period, the Baijiang Bureau is much easier during this period. Even if the local investigation bureaus have returned to the Baijiang Branch before coming to support them, they also expressed great pressure.
They have three special investigators!
Zhou ju, Wei nian, Bai Xue!
Ordinary investigators also added a lot of former support materials, and the weekly bureau intercepted some more.
Leifu and Huozhu are also available.
It can be said that Ma Zhuang is a strong soldier
However, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Now the safety index of Baijiang City is the highest in China. It is impossible for investigators to fish in Baijiang.
At the meeting week, the bureau said, "It was the brother city that supported us before Baijiang resisted the turbulent wave of evil spirits. Now it is time for us to support the brother city."
"It’s just that we’re well staffed. I’ll arrange one."
"Bai Xue led a team to support Qingshui City Wei Nian led a team to support Lindong City. I personally led a team to jiangbei town. Do you have any opinions on the specific personnel arrangements?"
An investigator said, "Will there be too few left-behind people? I’m afraid I can’t cope with an accident in Baijiang."
"I don’t think it’s very safe to stay with us in this white river."
Jiangtingqiu avenue
In what Ann everyone knows.
Because that organization is there!
They are also dealing with deception, which is more efficient than their investigation bureau. They have been eliminated before they find anything.
Efficient enough to shame them.
"Then why don’t we try to hire a master of this organization? jiangbei town and Lindong City have many powerful cunning evils, which are very difficult to deal with."
An investigator said
Week bureau some hesitation.
Of course, he knows that the two-star paradox is terrible, and it is definitely not easy to deal with it even if there are state experts to support it.
Employable …
"It’s like the state hiring some devious hunters," said the investigator.
Jiang Tingqiu retorted that "this is different"

"But whether the name is now or ever, it’s right …" The middle-aged officer said, "Now there are two possibilities. One is that we are in the wrong place. Mr. Bang gave us coordinates with errors. After all, it was a long time ago. Another possibility is …"

Is that the world has changed
At the end of this era, the method is no longer suitable for this era.
Not far from Zhuang, his brow wrinkled deeply.
"The owner doesn’t know how the other teams are progressing?" Asked the middle-aged officer.
"Several other teams have made no progress …" Zhuang shook his head not far away. "It’s very hard. Please return home and pay attention to Ann. I will confirm a message to Lao Bang again and contact you at any time if there is any new progress."
"Yes," the middle-aged man replied, "We want to thank them for helping our fellow villagers. After all, they paid a lot before and after running."
"Well, you can make your own decisions." Zhuang cut off contact not far away.
Seeing that Zhuang disappeared not far away, several robbers suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and the robbers slapped their heads on their chests. "Oh, my God, I was scared to death. I couldn’t breathe. I almost suffocated!"
"We can hold our breath for dozens of minutes!" A robber next to him was so proud that he was slapped on the head by the robber.
You’re proud that you can hold your breath. Proud of what?
"Go and change your pants. It stinks!"
"What are you afraid of?" Middle-aged people are puzzled
Afraid of what? Of course, I’m afraid that the village that eats people and doesn’t spit bones is not far away! What else can you be afraid of?
But they dare not say who knows if a bad word will be heard.
And we were so close to him just now!
Sure enough, it’s true that Zhuang is not far away, but it can appear anywhere at any time!
For the era of exile, even the Oracle box is a magical contact tool that only the factory owner can have.
But like the war giant dog, it is never possible to have a video conversation through such a big and clear screen, and even dare not think about magical technology. They also think that this is not far from Zhuang’s real body
Of course I’m scared to pee.
"No, no, no,no. We are not afraid!"
"The Lord Zhuang is awesome!"
"Master Zhuang is handsome!"
"Lord Zhuang … I am willing to give birth to his children!"
"I would like him to have two instead of ten!"
Middle-aged soldiers who are loyal to these guys are also thinking … Alas, it turns out to be simple and simple, and everyone is so enthusiastic.
"By the way, thank you for your help in the past few days. This is our little gratitude. Please keep it away if you don’t respect it." The middle-aged soldier touched a small bottle from his pocket and handed it to them.
"What honoraria? No, no, this is all we should do! A family in exile era! A family! " The robber said that he didn’t understand the words he learned from the middle-aged officer, but he refused again and again, but he took the bottle despite his kindness.
"Then we’ll go, fellow villagers. See you in the future!" Middle-aged soldiers and "amiable" and "simple folk customs" robbers waved goodbye to the war giant dog and galloped away through the cracks.
"Go slow and see you later …" The robbers watched the war dog disappear side by side.
The robber looked down at the bottle in his hand.
I wonder what I will give them as a thank-you gift?
The robber shook his head a little casually. This bottle is about the size of an ink bottle, and it seems to be full of liquid.
What is it? Isn’t it wine?
It is said that the blue stone leaf manor’s fine wine is unforgettable after a sip …
He hit the bottle and just wanted to smell it, but when he twisted the bottle, he froze with fear.
There was a silver light flashing in the bottle.
There is something about this silver light in the era of exile.
Time blood!


Zhao Hailong’s light hum represents his answer.
Even the best student in the non-contact zone can’t compare with him in Zhao Hailong.
In an instant, Xu retreated and frowned more tightly.
The telepathic black hole is getting closer and closer.
Is really like entering a human environment.
There are three minutes from the fiftieth lap to the fifteenth lap.
It’s like walking around.
It happened that there was no big move.
No matter what the opponent is, it is a fire.
Undead and seriously injured!
Still moving forward!
Although the Huaxia area in the non-linked area is relatively close outside the country, it is not Huaxia area after all.
According to instructor Lu Kang, on the battlefield of Mars, people in other joint zones, that is, Huaxia District, should also be careful.
"Someone is coming, so be careful to see if you know each other." Xu Tutu drank one.
At the same time, the man in the non-contact zone has already killed the tenth lap.
This speed is really amazing!
Even if the strongest alien elites are retired and killed.
But this one’s strength is amazing, right?
Xu woke up just chatting, and all the students in Huaxia District were alert to the horse and entered the state of war.
Due to the topography of the crater, the elite in the third circle of Huaxia District have seen the extraordinary fire in this non-linked area
"It’s Millings who is a teacher in the non-contact zone. Everyone is not worried." It’s a junior, Long Chuwai.
"Is this Millings very good?" Xu asked back.
Junior Long Chuwai shook his head. "When I was a sophomore, he was a senior. He should have stayed as a teacher directly after graduation."
However, the strength in the non-joint zone is severe, but in our case.
When I was a sophomore, he had a small hand, "Chuwai said.
To tell the truth, Chuwai is a junior, so people doubt that he has this strength.
But Xu retreat some doubts.
Moment Xu back directly to telepathy fell on the ChuWai body precise induction.
What Chu wai feels
Of course, you can’t say that Chuwai is bragging because of this.
Everyone is good at ability, and the direction is still different.
"Be careful, after all, it’s not my race!" Luomu cold hum a long knife micro ju.
Xu looked at a smile.
This Luo Mu is not only a younger brother of Han, but also a hardcore family of Chinese flower planting!
Cui Xi, Zhao Hailong, Miao Huanshan and others have also put on defensive postures.
It’s a non-linked area, Millings, which has appeared in everyone’s eyes and walked from the tenth lap.
Four alien elites in ninth circle rounded up and killed them.
The fire sprayed four alien elites with one death and three injuries.
Two deaths and four injuries on the lap!
The seventh lap went straight back.
In a flash, this millings entered the sixth lap.
But the foot didn’t stop, so it went straight into the fifth lap.
"Non-joint friends stop!" On the fourth lap, Cui Xi’s face sank and the iron bar swung, warning, "This is our position. Don’t provoke us to make the alien invaders look at the joke!"
Millings stopped on the fifth lap
All the students in Huaxia District breathed a sigh of relief.
Less is not the enemy
Millings looked at Cui Xi. "Can I go to the most circle?"
Cui Xi glanced back at Xu’s big iron bar and shook his head directly. "No!"
"Why should we let you in when we are desperately fighting for territory?" Cui Xi refused
Smell speech millings is light sigh.

Zhong Zhan said, "Did Lao Chaobo hurt Mrs. Tang before you fought him?"

Meng Hua was in a confused mood at this time, but Zhong Zhan forced him to answer first, "Yes! But I didn’t ask my friend Mrs. Tang when she was injured. "
Zhong Zhan’s anger increased even more. "According to what you said, Mrs. Tang was injured before midnight. At that time, Duan Jianqing also taught me this little nephew to read poetry. You didn’t lie. Did the child lie? Why don’t you get out of here and want me to do it myself? "
Zhong Zhan is the first of the four elders in Tianshan Mountain. He is the most respected and amiable. His brothers have almost never seen him angry. This time, he is furious. It can be said that he has only seen things in his life. His brothers can’t help but be shocked.
It is strange that Meng Hua, the victim, seems to turn a blind eye and turn a deaf ear. He is still stupefied in front of the bell exhibition and has not "rolled"
It turned out that his heart was on his younger brother.
This is something he neve dreamed of. His broth actually helped Duan Jianqing lie!
Like his father, he had great expectations for this younger brother who he had never met. The greatest expectation was not that he could learn the peerless martial arts of Tianshan Sect, but that he would be taught by a mentor and mentor from his childhood to become an upright man in the future. Some people would not be like his biological father.
But now Meng Hua’s expectation for his younger brother has become sad.
"No, I can’t let Duan Jianqing teach my brother bad. I want to tell him the truth!" Meng Hua, who was extremely excited, had time to think carefully about whether it was appropriate to do so at the end of the current situation.
As soon as he gritted his teeth and reached out, he grabbed Yang Yan and shouted, "Brother Yan, do you know that I am your brother!"
Of course, he knew that Yang Yan would never believe him, but he thought that it was urgent to take his brother back from Duan Jianqing before telling him the truth. He still had a scruple that Duan Jianqing would take his brother hostage when he was desperate.
At this time, beside Yang Yanzheng Duan Jianqing, Duan Jianqing stood side by side with Bai Yingji.
Meng Hua pulled his brother with one hand and pushed Duan Jianqing with the other.
Hearing "Butong", Jian Qing fell down, but Meng Hua didn’t catch his brother.
Next to Bai Yingji’s sword, he cut off his wrist with a flash of extremely white light. Meng Hua had to deal with this move first, and then "when" a sword in Bai Yingji’s hand gave Meng Hua a flick of his magical powers, and it was already merciless to push it when he was in danger.
For Meng Hua, he wanted to take back his brother, but it seemed to others that he had made a surprise attack. This "sneak attack" not only surprised the Tianshan Sect, but also expected the Zhong Zhan.
At this moment, all the brothers of Tianshan Sect couldn’t help exclaiming, "It’s not good that he wants to kill Brother Yang!" "What a thief! He won’t let go of even a child!"
Zhong Zhan flew into a rage and shouted at Meng Hua vest with a palm!
People who have studied martial arts defend themselves when their lives are in danger, because they can feel Meng Hua’s strong breeze behind them and think about it quickly, and then "shift their positions" and "set off the moon" to unload the original Zhong Zhan’s palm. Although he was furious, he still cherished him in a way that he wanted to punish him and hurt him at most.
Meng Hua solved his palm, which made Zhong Zhan surprised and puzzled. "I didn’t expect this little thief to be so accomplished. He is only twenty years old at most. It’s a rare talent in Wulin, but he doesn’t learn well. Should I take his life?" You know, although Zhong Zhan is a 56-50 component, there are probably dozens of people who can resolve his palm force in this world.
Bai Yingqi seemed to see that the uncle wanted to call out, "This young man just assumed that Meng Daxia was his father, and now he says that Yaner is his younger brother. Do you think we need to question him?"
Yang Yan was frightened and cried, "He is a spy. How can he be my brother? You kill him! You kill him!"
Duan Jianqing proudly followed and cried, "Yes, he is a spy. Now he is without being pressed! I have to confront him, too? "
Yang Yan’s life experience, the younger brothers of Tianshan Sect don’t know that Zhong Zhan and Bai Yingqi know that Meng Hua recognizes Yang Yan as his younger brother, which means that Yang Mu is his father.
Of course, Yang Muer does not mean that he is a "spy", but Duan Jianqing found this excuse, but this chaotic situation made Zhong Zhan have to believe that Meng Hua was a "spy"
You know, in Zhong Zhan’s mind, even Yang Muer, Meng Hua and Yang Yan are very different. Yang Yan was Miao Changfeng who brought him to Tianshan Mountain. At that time, he was just a one-year-old child. At the same time, Tang Jingtian saw Miao Changfeng’s face and knew that his mother Yunziluo was resistant to the Qing Dynasty and sacrificed to take him in. Since he was one year old, Miao Changfeng, the head of Tianshan School, raised him as a child together. How sinful his father was? But when it comes to Meng Hua, there is a rumor that Duan Jianqing came to power first. Secondly, Zhong Zhan said that he
When they clamored for the root, Meng Hua could not help but tell!
Zhong Zhan said, "Jian Qing, take Yaner back. There are some things you should tell Master Miao when he comes back!" This means telling Duan Jianqing not to tell Yang Yan’s life story first. Duan Jianqing should say "I care" and take Yang Yan away!
Zhong Zhan drew an arc in his palm, ready to drink, "Why don’t you draw your sword and dare to despise me?"
Meng Huagang said, "Master Zhong, please tell the younger generation …" The palm of Zhong Zhan’s hand was so shocking that his brain was full of qi and blood, and he was distracted by other methods to talk about how to solve his life’s danger first. An harrier turned his sword out of its sheath to attack and resolve the fierce palm of Zhong Zhan.
This trick he used is "overlapping Cui and floating Qing", which is unpredictable and unpredictable. Rao is the profound martial arts attainments of Zhong Zhan, and he can’t help secretly admiring that "this trick is a change from Songshan School’s swordsmanship. Forty years ago, Jin Shiyi Heroes learned from many parents, and this trick was also changed and merged with Jin Family’s swordsmanship. When I first entered my master’s school, I was lucky to see Jin Xia personally, but I didn’t expect to see this young man again from a younger generation forty years later, which made this trick strong. Of course, it was not a fantastic change.
First, the rise of compassion is the only way to study. Second, he has tried Meng Hua’s swordsmanship after more than a dozen strokes. He did get advice from Jin Shiyi and Jin Zhuliu. You know, if Jin Zhuliu didn’t personally give advice to Meng Hua at a young age, how could he win the gold sword?
Zhong Zhan didn’t know yet that he was half right.
It’s true that Meng Hua was instructed by Jin Zhuliu, but his swordsmanship was deeply rooted in the spirit of Jin’s swordsmanship, but it was not the same for another reason. It turned out that Huo Tiandu, the founder of Tianshan School, was Zhang Danfeng’s younger brother. He was a martial arts wizard who was studied by Master, and Tianshan devoted himself to creating a new school, but he still had something in common with his master’s teachings. Jin’s swordsmanship is the basis of Tianshan fencing. Speaking of it, red flowers and green leaves are the same origin of different schools.
Meng Hua Shilin’s income was created by Zhang Danfeng. The master didn’t stick to the original tricks, but he gave Huo Tiandu swordsmanship in those years. But even so, the famous swordsmanship, the Jin family swordsmanship and the Tianshan mountain swordsmanship still have something in common, but if it weren’t for Zhong Zhan, others wouldn’t see it.
After Zhong Zhan tried ten strokes, he became more and more surprised, and his anger gradually decreased. He thought to himself, "Master Jin will never give his Kim essence to a spy boy whose origin is not very suspected. Isn’t this boy really a bad reason?" But he just framed Jian Qing, but it’s a lie. What’s the point? "
Tianshan sent a group of brothers to see Meng Hua incredibly able to fight with their four elders for dozens of strokes, all of which could not help but have Bai Yingji with horror, and could see that it was Zhong Zhan who showed no mercy to the killer.
Bai Yingqi was anxious several times to urge Zhong Zhan to hurry up. The result was "this small", but he was afraid to know that Zhong Zhan was easy-going, but a younger generation spoke "showing" that his elders always disrespected his elders. However, he thought that even if he didn’t want to hurt this little life, he would sooner or later take him alive for trial. The little spy was indeed shot at that time, and it was not too late to know whether Zhong Zhan was a "spy" to Meng Hua.
After fighting for thirty strokes, Zhong Zhan suddenly got an idea, "I’ll try him again if he is a spy."
Meng Huazheng used a trick of "drawing sand with a mysterious bird" to resolve the offensive of Zhong Zhan. Zhong Zhan deliberately revealed a flaw and deceived himself.
Can a master fight easily find the flaw in the other side? If there is a flaw to be found, you can’t miss the Kuang Zhong Exhibition. The flaw is too big at this time!
The younger brothers don’t know Zhong Zhanyi. This moment can’t help but exclaim, even Bai Yingji is no exception.
This flaw came too suddenly. Meng Huagen didn’t expect to know that Zhong Zhan was far away from him. He knew that his theory would not hurt the Tianshan Sect elders, so he dared to defend and not be afraid of accidentally injuring the other side. But Zhong Zhan suddenly revealed this flaw!
At this moment, Meng Hua’s "mysterious bird paddling the sand" asked the tip of the sword to draw a bell to show it, and immediately it was a disaster.
Fortunately, Meng Hua’s swordsmanship has almost reached the state of being able to send and receive. This flint hurriedly turned the sword sideways. Rao is that he changed his tactics so quickly. The tip of the sword also gently wiped the clothes of Zhong Zhan, and Meng Hua received a few steps without stumbling.
Meng Hua took a sword, but it should be able to cut through Zhong Zhan’s clothes. Strangely, Zhong Zhan’s clothes didn’t even wear through a small hole. It turned out that he had already "stained his clothes and fell ten times", and it was estimated that at least he could be injured. It was doubtful that Meng Hua was not a "spy" when he tried Zhong Zhan.
Meng Hua was stunned. The backhand shot of Zhong Zhan played the Meng Hua sword as soon as it was "zither", but he still showed mercy with this shot.
These rabbits have fallen fast, and all the younger brothers of Tianshan Sect, including Bai Yingqi and Huo Yingyang, have not seen clearly that Meng Hua’s sword has fallen to the ground, and Zhong Zhan is looking at him with his hands all smiles.
This sudden change has made the Tianshan disciples stunned, but although they can’t see clearly, they also know that the elders of the gate have "turned the tables" for a moment and cried for joy.
Bai Yingqi and Huo Yingyang both rushed to drink, "Give it up, you little brat!" Zhu Jian has already prepared a rope and handed it to Bai Yingqi to bind Meng Hua.
Unexpectedly, Zhong Zhan suddenly shouted, "Don’t touch him!" Zhong Zhan’s sudden intervention is even more outstanding. It is unexpected for my younger brother to know that tying prisoners is what my younger brother should do for generations. Why should the elders of the labor gate do it themselves? Besides, this prisoner is still a "spy" in their minds.
Zhong Zhan, the younger brothers, said with a pleasant face in confusion, "Meng Shaoxia, pick up your sword!"
The word "Meng Shaoxia" came from Zhong Zhan’s mouth, and the younger brothers became more and more shocked. They could hardly believe their ears. Not only was the word "Little Xia" too unexpected, but the word "Meng" also made them shocked. Meng Hua personally recognized Yang Yandi, and everyone was really suspicious of Duan Jianqing’s accusation against him. But Zhong Zhan still called him "Meng Shaoxia". "Did Elder Zhong actually believe this little liar who claimed to be Meng Daxia and Meng Yuanchao?"
Meng Hua is also indecisive. Zhong Zhan told him to pick up the sword and compare it with him. He hurriedly said, "Thank you for your kindness. The younger generation is willing to give in easily, but I beg the older generation to allow me to have a chance to tell." It turns out that Zhong Zhan’s "flick of the finger" kung fu to fly his sword is not really powerful, otherwise his hand will be injured if he is afraid of Yang meridians.
Zhong Zhan smiled and said, "I should also thank you for letting me do it first. Who said anything about catching you?" You pick up the sword and be my guest. If you have something to say, talk to me slowly. "
Bai Yingji worried also can not consider what rules of pecking and calling "guy, how do you believe this small? If he is not a spy, are our younger brothers Duan and Yang lying? "
Zhong Zhan said slowly, "It is reasonable to say that Yaner is just an eleven or twelve-year-old child. He should not lie, but I think there may be another reason. I will find out!"
Is Bai Yingqi to advise and Meng Hua also want to explain himself, suddenly listen to Dangdang as a continuous bell!
The younger brothers panicked when they heard the clock, and even the face of Zhong Zhan changed a little.

He twisted his neck and walked slowly.

"You escaped that day. How can I see you escape today?"
"evil thief"
Liu Xinran red eyes staring at each other.
"The second young lady has promised to take revenge on the Liu family, even if … even if I die, your red-violet Sect will be wiped out by the Lins sooner or later!"
"Ah …" Bai Ye disdains light.
"The old guy surnamed Lin overreached himself and intervened in the replacement of the emperor. Now it is still difficult to protect himself and really teach me to be a vegetarian?"
In a low drink, Bai Ye stretched his hands and jumped at Liu Xinran like an eagle.
Liu Xinran’s heart was filled with indignation, but she knew that she didn’t intend to fight hard to display her posture and fled to the mountains behind her.
At the same time, draw your sword in your hand and choose the right opportunity to resist
"Want to escape?"
Bai ye sneers.
"Can you escape?"
He is in the middle of the body, but he seems to be flickering like a violation of physical laws. At the same time, he steps on the trunk to compress the moving range of Liu Xinran.
It’s only a matter of time before they are caught and killed.
Zhou Yi’s eyes twinkled and he was about to leave suddenly.
Although he doesn’t want to see Liu Xinran killed, he doesn’t want to be implicated by the other party. Nature is to save his life first.
I should have exposed the’ Bai Ye’ and revealed the means to take Liu Xinran and I can’t escape far.
In that case …
Shook his teeth, Zhou Yi bent down and pounced on Wang Baoxin.
Wang Baoxin saw that Zhou Yi was also surprised and tightened his body.
"Wang" Zhou Yi roared.
"If something happens to you, just give it up!"
"With you?" Bao-xin wang quietly centering to show disdain behind.
"I must pretend to be here, but I didn’t expect you to come. Since you’re here, stay with Miss Liu!"
Hands shook and two crescent-shaped machetes appeared in their hands.
He has been deliberately showing weakness in front of Yu Zhuang and Zhou Yi, and has never shown real strength. In fact, he looks down on them in his heart.
Especially Zhou yi.
In his opinion, he is a big, strong fool.
Palm method?
No matter how well the real fighters practice the palm technique, it is not as lethal as a kitchen knife!
"I’m not as good as you before, but fighting is not a contest. I’ll let you see the power of Wang Jialian’s ring knife today."
Zhou Yi’s mouth was low and he slashed with a knife.
Lunge knife!
Proficient in the realm of knife cutting, fast as the wind, seemingly ordinary, but with a sense of momentum, Wang Baoxin’s eyes narrowed
He didn’t expect that Zhou Yi’s knife method was not weak.

You know, Master Bodhisattva Yin has lived for more than 7,000 years, but he is the oldest monk in the Bodhisattva Temple except the Buddha. It is acceptable for anyone that such a highly respected monk has surrendered to Yin.

A bitter master in Hall 6 is Master Pu Yin. He is naturally the first one who doesn’t believe that his master is a shady middleman. He thinks that Master Guo Yi has wronged Master Pu Yin and glared at Guo Yi. Then he turned a golden Buddha’s light and left Pu Feng. He intends to confront his master himself.
"If the abbot wronged me, I would be the first to vote for the abbot," said Master Bitter Life before leaving.
Master Bitter Life soon returned to Pufeng. His face became very embarrassed, his eyes were blank, and even his walking steps seemed vain. His hands trembled and he held a white note and kept saying, "What, what, master, what is this?"
When all the monks in the temple saw Master Bitter Life like this, they suddenly guessed something. Maybe Guo Yi was telling the truth.
Master Kusheng handed the note in his hand to Guo Yi, and then he crawled directly in front of Guo Yi, suffering from it. He was not like a monk who studied Buddhism deeply, but like a child whose good dream was broken.
"What Buddha what is this? Master taught me from an early age to see through the world of mortals and evil spirits and concentrate on reaching the Buddha’s realm of harmony between man and nature, but he couldn’t. What is all this? " Master Kusheng has a deep affection for Master Pu Yin and respects him the most. But now, once the great image of Master Pu Yin in his heart is shattered, his Buddhist heart is almost broken.
Guo Yi handed the bitter master to him with a note that said, "If the poor monk loses his heart and enters the world of mortals for a while, he will once again convert to Buddhism-Bodhisattva Seal."
When Master Pu Yin saw Guo Yi return to Mount Pu, he had already left, leaving only this note. This note was written in a hurry, which seemed a little messy, but every word was very hesitant. Obviously, before Master Pu Yin left, his mood was complicated, and the bitter artistic conception naturally flowed. This is a kind of reluctance and a kind of involuntarily.
"Master Puyin is also a kind-hearted Purdue monk, but he still can’t see through life and death. After all, even a generation of monks are attached to this world after death." Guo Yi helped the bitter master up from the ground and continued to comfort him. "Master Puyin’s Buddhist heart is flawed, but his teachings on Buddhism are not. The master converted to Buddhism instead of Master Puyin."
"really?" The bitter master seems to have a little enlightenment in his heart.
Guo Yi nodded his head!
And when everyone felt sorry for the departure of Master Pu Yin, a loud Buddha clock came out from a hundred miles away with a kind of aura and confusion. This Buddha clock sounded like a sound of heaven and resounded through the whole Bodhi Mountain.
The bitter master looked at the ethos movement in the distance with a dignified face in front of the gate of the Buddhist temple and murmured, "The Buddha clock in the Buddha Mirror Pavilion has not been rung for thousands of years. Did someone break into the Buddha Mirror Pavilion?"
Buddha’s Mirror Pavilion is the Buddhist temple’s collection of scriptures, which contains hundreds of millions of books, not only all kinds of ancient Buddhist scriptures, but also the spiritual methods of cultivating immortals in the major immortals’ circles. It can be said that Buddha’s Mirror Pavilion is the largest collection of ancient books and records in the whole ancient mysterious realm.
In such an important place, the Bodhi Temple will naturally arrange the most perfect defense, and it is impossible for ordinary people to break into the Buddha mirror pavilion suspended by the Buddha mirror pavilion. The Buddha bell rarely rings, but once it rings, it means that someone has already broken in.
"Who broke into the Buddha’s Mirror Pavilion?" Although this idea came to everyone’s mind at this time, no one rushed to the Buddha’s Mirror Pavilion in the direction of Buddha’s Mirror Pavilion, but there was a god monk guarding it, and even if the powerful Dharma Lord broke into the Buddha’s Mirror Pavilion, he would never escape.
A hundred miles away, a huge golden Buddha lotus slowly fell from the clouds and enveloped the whole glittering Buddha mirror pavilion in the Buddha lotus
Golden lotus is like a huge cage, forming a mask from the sky.
"This is the Golden Lotus of the Bodhi Mirror Master, but it is a top-class instrument. It took 9,999 buddhas and lotus flowers to refine the earth’s core fire for 900 years to form. Ten trapped arrays and ten kill array defense arrays were carved inside, totaling 30 arrays. Once three statues of the first river dharma were sacrificed, the main dharma escaped from the Golden Lotus," said an old monk with white eyebrows.
"The power of the golden lotus is so powerful that it has absorbed the heart fire for nine hundred years. Now I’m afraid it has melted into the essence of fire. Once the essence of fire is sprayed out, even the dark iron will melt in an instant. Even if the newcomer repairs extremely, it will surely burn to ashes in the essence of fire," said another temple master.
"The average person doesn’t need the fire essence of Master Pu Jing to kill his old man’s house to repair the inscrutability, and even the first river dharma master can’t afford to turn over any obscene flowers before him."
The bitter words haven’t been finished yet. A large red flame suddenly burst into flames in the golden lotus of the distant canopy. This flame is pure and abnormal, and it is ten times worse than Guo Yi’s second mysterious fire. Even though it is hundreds of miles away, I still feel that hot temperature, as if there is another sun coming from the canopy.
Who the hell broke into the Buddha mirror pavilion? Even a monk like Master Pu Jing will take him for a while, and he will be forced to use the Golden Lotus to finally kill the fire spirit.
The fire spirit doesn’t seem to have made a huge noise in the golden Buddha lotus, just like the thunder rolling in the mountains and colliding with the whole Bodhi Temple.
"It must be a great man who can’t be guessed. Otherwise, the master of Bodhi Mirror wouldn’t be fighting so hard. So the master of cultivating immortals will never be a celebrity. Is it a person?" At this time, all the old monks thought that things were not as simple as they thought.
Guo Yi is a master of playing with fire and has a certain understanding of the essence of fire. The temperature of the essence of fire is enough to burn the general Dharma Master to death, but instead of being burned to death, the bearer fights with the master of Bodhisattva Mirror in flames, so it can be said that the other party is a practitioner who is not afraid of flames, and it is likely that he will practice martial arts and have it with flames.
Sue pointed out five road prints in the virtual space with five jade onion fingers. These five road prints have five colors: green, red, yellow, white and black, which are also five lines of colors. She took out five jade lingshi and respectively entered the road prints, and the five road prints immediately spun in the virtual space.
She wants to use a profound method to calculate the identity of Master Pu Jing against that person.
"Does this mean that the technique of the five elements of heaven is practiced to the extreme, not only can you be familiar with the past and the future, but you can also change your fate and reverse your fortune?" The wise monk Tangzuo is also an old monk who studies the fate of the cat, but at this time he is shocked by Su E’s means.
Sue nodded her head gently, which confirmed the old monk’s words.

Rain and dew fell from the sky and the elixir bathed in it.

Visible to the naked eye, fresh inspiration emerges from the field, and some years are enough, so they are harvested on the spot and planted again.
long time
Return to the quiet room when you are full.
The stone wall is thickly dotted with axes and scratches.
It is almost impossible to practice and increase the practice in the dark territory, and it is good to be able to maintain the practice without retrogression.
In the past two years, Zhou Jia rarely spent time practicing the Seven Xuangong, but spent most of his time honing martial arts and realizing achievement methods.
such as
Lightning strikes dzogchen with a hundred thousand blows (1/966)
When you reach out your hand, the staff of the thunder axe appears in the palm of your hand, and you can lift it lightly with one hand, and it is simple with one hand.
A huge weapon weighing 10,000 Jin has been tempered many times, and it is not heavy in Zhou Jia’s hands. A slight horizontal stroke gives people an inviolable dignity.
Arm waving axe light solemnity.
The thunder axe, the magic wand, is turned into a touch of cold light, and the cold light is cut off, and the half-differentiation is scattered, and thousands of cold awn silk silks are used to embellish it.
Hundred thousand blows!
At the beginning, this formula was created mainly to cooperate with the lightning state to break out the most attacks in the shortest time.
Thereby causing the strongest destructive power.
It is also because of the excessive pursuit of speed that the moves are less subtle.
This is far less than a hundred battles!
The fierce and violent knife light is still fierce and swift, but it is more indescribable, and the charm is like a breeze.
The wind has crossed the mark and the axe has taken pictures.
Just fierce and fierce axe light suddenly melts into a touch of cold mountain, and when it is swept across, it flies like a swallow sticking to the ground, showing agility.
Axe light flashing, thunder dancing, the large quiet room is instantly filled with a horrible atmosphere.
This breath can easily blow the quiet room into powder if it leaks a trace, but it is controlled by Zhou Jia in the palm of his hand
"Boom …"
Dull thunder roar
With the flashing of axe light, the characteristics of understanding the law of the sea and commanding soldiers have also lit up many feelings.
movement and posture in wushu or traditional opera
As time goes by, it becomes more and more mysterious.
Practicing martial arts Zhou Jia is like a precise mistake. Every move and style is perfect and tends to be more perfect all the time.
Muscular bones, qi and blood sources, and spiritual will are controlled in one stroke and one style, and an almost perfect axe light bursts out.

Xia Mi next to Chuhang also covered her neck with a picture of a cake choking. "The sweetness is choking me."

Chu aerial patted Xia Mi on the shoulder. "Then we will go?"
Xia Mi suddenly felt smooth and ordered a little cake in the plate "it seems that the sugar is moderate."
"The origin of words is not interesting enough. Big bosses Lu didn’t say anything about such a big hero."
Kakaxi said and wiped the cream on her mouth.
As if in response to her words, all the people or all the people at this moment heard the origin sound.
[The origin sincerely congratulates the origin of the birth of your daughter, and now you have customized the growth gift package]
[In order to commemorate the return of Emperor Wu of Origin and the birth month of the Princess of Origin, the explorer will receive double rewards. Let’s cheer for the world’s sea powers, Emperor Wu! 】
Hear the origin broadcast shows Liu Chen first leng then smiled.
Origin is still the same.
He took a risk. A story is over, but maybe it’s just now.
Everyone in the world has sorrow, laughter, pain and surprise, and there will be obstacles and good waiting ahead.
Things may be rough, but dreams and beliefs will eventually hang high as street lamps.
Liu Chen looked out to the lake. He … Road.
I would like to dedicate it to everyone who is striving for their dreams and firmly believe that there will be a beautiful wait ahead.
Finish one’s speech
feel lost
When I finished writing the last three words, I felt unreal.
Seriously, I’m a little reluctant
At first, I didn’t think it would be so long, but I felt short at the end.
At the end of the article, there are still some foreshadowing things that I want to string together, but I didn’t pick them up after final consideration.
There should also be a story about the world’s sea and the robbery of the mainland. Only by making it clear about all the origins can we get to the end.
But then I thought it might not be so complicated. There may be a few in-depth stories, but the main idea is a story about a cute and reckless man who breaks through the world and reaches a happy ending with his friends.
At the end of the story, there are a lot of unconventional and meaningful endings to choose from, but I thought about it and chose the most vulgar and direct way to usher in a happy ending.
Because I remembered that I didn’t want to tell any abstruse stories or explore deep-seated human philosophy in writing this original intention, I hoped to make up for my regrets and usher in a happy ending.
Vulgarity I admit vulgarity.
But when I think of Lu Chen’s last family enjoying the scenery on a lake in the world, I feel that it is not so vulgar and there is nothing wrong with birds passing by the lake and the breeze blowing up their hair.
As Lu Chen said when he traveled through the calendar, maybe this is excellent.
At the end of the story, it seems that many supporting actors have died, but it is almost straightforward to’ imply’ in Lu Chenxing’s trip that these people are not dead. From reading emotions, there is conflict.
Maybe there will be a fraternity who thinks that since those people are not going to die anyway, isn’t it unnecessary to write about their bitter struggle?
However, the elephant feels that it is too perfunctory to let Lu Chen chop all his opponents to death if he doesn’t explain anything directly, and it also seems that the struggle of the ancestors in previous dynasties is very cheap
But maybe they will come back to life or not die, but they are determined to defend their homes with death, and this determination, I think, is a glory of human nature and should be written.
Instead of a simple sentence, someone died and finally said that they were resurrected.
As Lu Chen said, it highlights the disrespect for life, like not wanting the last glory of those important supporting roles to be perfunctory and giving some pen and ink
Lu Chen’s final victory is by no means his own. Without the strong men of all previous dynasties fighting hard and his friends of the same generation fighting hard, he never reached the final state. The last space focuses on the supporting role.
Another question to think about when writing the ending is whether to resurrect the strong men who died in the out-of-bounds battlefields in the past. I originally didn’t want to write about reviving those people. Because they will have members, they will go home and feel that their ancestors’ determination to die is a bit strange.
But then I thought about it, not all the strong people have no regrets after experiencing a wonderful life. Those who are trapped by the general trend and have regrets and nostalgia for the world are also many strong people. They are involved in this war caused by unreasonable common sense, and their bodies are unfair.
It’s not wrong for people with high consciousness to seldom want to live. If they are eager for a new life, they should also be able to do so. The morning meeting will ask him that it is not the difference that has revived all the strong in this ancient and modern war, but the part that wants to return.
Generally speaking, passing away should be respected, and it is not shameful to hope to live. I think that Lu Chen can give the ancestors the greatest respect.
Someone asked me what is absolute evil. Does this thing have any pronoun?
If you have to talk, there are generations of people who are’ evil’ from ancient times to modern times and let generations of heroes fight against ordinary people and things, that is the source of all disasters. Of course, what is this thing? Different people have different opinions.
Let’s talk about him after this final chapter.
Real-life novels are obviously different because each pair is too long, which has something to do with the style of writing and the limitation of pen power.
Many brothers Meng may think that it is like a hydrological institute that can have such words, but after that, they also reflect on whether there is real hydrology.
The answer is not sure, because the subjective has no hydrological meaning, but the outline is sometimes displayed when it is written, and because there are too many words updated every day, there may be some unnecessary padding inadvertently.
In the final analysis, the difficulty of ensuring quantity and not ensuring quality is just like thinking that you still have to tell a good story.
Later in the story, it turned out that there was a world plan, but it was finally cancelled.
On the one hand, because it has been written long enough, Lu Chen’s combat power is already high, and his previous growth rate directly broke into the finale. It seems that there is no problem. If one more world experience, there will be a feeling that he is not enemy enough, that is, he is not cool enough.
On the other hand, it is because the elephant is indeed impetuous, and it may be the same for the brother Meng. After all, after such a long pursuit for two years, many brothers may finally want to know the ending, which is also a kind of belief support.
As early as the second time I entered my hometown world, some people there discussed with me. To be honest, this outline can be written in thousands of words. Anyway, the data is not too bad. Why not write more rice?
Of course, I want to do this kind of thing, but it has been written for a long time, and it is really emotional. For two consecutive years, except for COVID-19’s illness and Zhengzhou’s heavy rain, it has never been broken. Almost every day, I insist on daily life. To tell the truth, sometimes my dreams are substituted into Lu Chen
I have been writing for a long time, but I also feel that this is like my own child.
The meaning of the routine is to lengthen the length, as if you don’t want to end it, and everything will be refreshed.
As a novice, this writing certainly has many shortcomings, but I think it is also a kind of ethics to be responsible for myself if I insist on writing it and draw a happy ending.
In the process of writing, there is also a lot of growth. What is good will be summarized and what is bad will be reflected, hoping to write better in the future.
Generally speaking, "From the Dragon to the World" has many shortcomings, but it can still bring happiness to everyone. Today it is officially over.
Someone asked me what I wanted to achieve, but it was as simple as what I wrote at the end.
I don’t want you to believe that there will be a bright future ahead, waiting for you to face despair and difficulties and not be defeated. We don’t have Lu Chen’s strength, but we can have that courage and perseverance.
I wish all my friends a happy life and find their own beauty in the future.
Here, I would like to thank you again for your support all the time. It is your support for follow-up reading that gives me great motivation every day.
Two years, a million words, I insisted, because you gave me faith.
Thank you brothers/